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How to Know if Your Website is Working for Your Service Based Business

Stock image of website UI with blog post title over it

As a service based business owner, you’ve probably heard how important your website is for your business. But how do you know if your website is actually helping your business grow? Let’s break it down into simple terms. 1. Are People Contacting You, aka Conversion Rates What is the main goal of your website? For […]

Top Websites for Free and Paid Stock Photos and Videos for Your Website

Astronaut sitting in a chair on Mars with the blog title written over them

We all know the saying that a picture is worth 1000 words. As we learned in a previous blog post, ‘What Makes a Great Website Photo,’ images are processed 60,000 times faster than words. An image or video can convey complex or multiple ideas in a matter of seconds. So finding the perfect photo/video for […]

Why A Website Audit Should Be Your #1 Priority!

Pop quiz time: When was the last time you gave your business website a thorough check-up? If you’re scratching your head trying to remember, then strap in, because we’ve got some urgent news for you. A website audit isn’t just a good idea; it’s an absolute must-do—and the time to get it done is now. […]

Why you should hire Rooted Design, an Atlanta Web Design and Development Company

Laptop open showing a website that Rooted Design designed for Chase the Vicotry

Hello! We are Rooted Design, an Atlanta web design and development company serving small to medium-sized businesses in all industries in greater Atlanta and beyond. Don’t get us wrong we realize that anybody can build a website so we take it a step further and create a custom strategy to grow your business. Unlike other design […]

s10 Things Every Small Business Website Must Have

Image of a computer, tablet, and iPhone laying on a desk

10 Things Every Small Business Website Must Have Your website is the most powerful tool your business has. It creates credibility, trust, enhances professionalism, grabs attention, and grows your business. We want to help you make your website as powerful as possible through 10 things every successful website does. 1. Clear Purpose and Call to […]

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