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How to Know if Your Website is Working for Your Service Based Business

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As a service based business owner, you’ve probably heard how important your website is for your business. But how do you know if your website is actually helping your business grow?

Let’s break it down into simple terms.

1. Are People Contacting You, aka Conversion Rates

What is the main goal of your website? For most business owners it’s to get visitors to inquire about your services. If more and more visitors are reaching out to you through your website, whether by filling out a contact form, sending an email, or making a phone call, it means your website is effectively converting visitors into potential clients.

But what happens if you aren’t getting many inquiries from your website?

Then you need to go through your website and look for holes. Maybe you need to add more images of current projects, maybe your contact form is hard to find, maybe you need to make your phone number clickable so it’s easy to call, or maybe your contact information is wrong. The other potential problem is your SEO. Maybe your website is great but people aren’t finding you online. Try boosting your SEO with these 10 tips.

2. Visitor Engagement: Do They Stick Around?

When someone visits your website, do they take the time to look around? Just like in a physical office, you want visitors to stay and learn about your services. Are visitors reading your service descriptions, about page, or testimonials? If they spend time on your site, it’s a good sign they’re interested in what you have to offer.

You can track user engagement through Google Analytics. It’s free to setup and on your website and provides a great way to learn about the type of people visiting your website and what they are looking at.

3. The Quality of Inquiries

Are the people who contact you through your website interested in exactly what you offer or are they trying to sell you something?

A successful website attracts the right kinds of clients which happens through their SEO, Search Engine Optimization. There are a lot of things that go into a website’s SEO but one thing to focus on are key words. Key words are search terms used in a Google search to find a website and those key words are found on your website. Example would be landscaper in Atlanta, GA.

When the right audience lands on your website you will notice higher quality leads coming into your business and know your website is working for you.

4. Online Appointment or Service Bookings

If your website allows clients to book appointments or services directly, this is a great way to measure effectiveness. A steady or increasing number of bookings directly from your website is a clear indicator that it’s serving your business well.

The point is to make it easy for your clients. There is no need for back and forth emails to setup a time, allow your clients to book directly with your business.

5. Customer Feedback and Interaction

Your clients are your best resource for understanding how well your website meets their needs. Encourage feedback through your website and pay attention to what they say. Are they finding the information they need? Is it easy to contact you? Are you getting the same questions over and over again.

If you aren’t getting a lot of feedback, ask your family and friends to go through your website. Ask them how easy it is to book an appointment, find the answer to a question, or contact you. Once you have gotten the feedback, make a plan to make changes to your website.

6. Social Proof: Testimonials and Reviews

Displaying testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients on your website can significantly boost your credibility and attract more clients. Visitors who see positive experiences from others are more likely to trust your services.

Now you know if your website is working for your service based business, what should you do next?

For service-based businesses, your website should make it easy for potential clients to understand your services, trust your expertise, and reach out to you. By keeping an eye on these straightforward indicators, you can gauge how well your website is performing without getting bogged down in technical details. Remember, an effective website brings the right clients to your door.

Want a FREE website audit? We will be happy to review your website and let you know what we think.

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