Where does your business rank?
per month
For those that need assistance populating their blog and social media, we offer a monthly add-on package for our monthly clients. From the idea you send us, we will curate 1 blog post and 2 weekly posts for up to 3 social media accounts. You will also receive a comprehensive report emailed monthly to assist in monitoring engagement.
per month
For those that want to rank at the top of Google, we offer a monthly add-on package exclusively for our website care plan clients. Initially we will make recommendations to optimize your website for SEO. After detailed analysis of your website, competitors, and potential keywords, we will start working to get you ranked for up to 50 keywords.
per month
Help your customers know your brand by just seeing a graphic. We offer a monthly add-on package exclusively for our website care plan clients who want to create brand consistency and grow your brand awareness. Let us handle your website and graphics.
per month
Email marketing is low hanging fruit and a great way to increase engagement with your audience. It is a cost-effective way for businesses to promote their products, services, or brand. Sending regular consistent communication to your email list will ensure you stay top of mind and keep your subscribers coming back.
Once you sign up and provide login credentials, we’ll have your plan set up within 1-2 business days. Everything from speed improvements to security will be addressed by our team during on-boarding.
You know your business and customers best. Therefore we rely on you to send us a variety of content for us to extract from. The content that you send us can be a link, photos, latest news for your company, an article you found interesting, a YouTube video, or another blog post from other sites you want us to monitor. Once we create the posts, we will request your approval and schedule them out for the next 30 days. We will take care of providing stock images, hashtags, and SEO meta information.
Absolutely. We are laser focused on you and your website, so we would be sad to see you go but we know that financial needs weigh on many decisions and don’t want lock anyone in. Request a cancellation via email and we will let you know what licenses you will need to purchase and will immediately stop the next payment.
If you want the assurance that your website stays updated, secure, backed up, loading quickly, and with the proper software licenses, but don’t need any support time, we have a Maintenance Only plan available that is $125/month.
If you have more than one website and you are on the Business Care Plan or higher, you can add an additional website to your website care plan for $125/month and share your plan’s support time between your sites. This option is not available on the Basic Care Plan.
In your included monthly support time, you can do things like have us add an already written blog post, update images, change titles, add content to a page, etc. We typically cannot do any sort of new development during this time. Support time is primarily for us to make updates to existing content.
Typically 1-2 business days for most requests. Keep in mind, if you ask us at 9pm on Friday – it might be mid-day Tuesday before we can get them in, it all just depends on when the request comes and what it’s for.
If you have an enhancement or task that requires more than your dedicated monthly time, we will submit a quote for you to approve separately from your plan. We will evaluate requests that exceed your time on a case by case basis, and with approval, work past the time, and bill for time exceeded at our current support rate of $150/hour.
No you do not have to host with us. We HIGHLY recommend that you do because our servers are primed for WordPress and we are able to monitor them very closely. It also makes support easier and faster.
If you choose to not host with us, we are still able to act as your liaison with your hosting company, we just have our standard $150/hr charge to do so.
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