Where does your business rank?

Rooted Design Marketing Dashboard Mock-up

Digital Marketing Plan Created For You

Rooted Design is an Atlanta, GA based digital marketing and design agency focused on helping you attract the right traffic, convert qualified leads, and grow into the business of your dreams.

We approach your business as a unique project. We will analyze your existing web presence, your competition, your goals, and create a custom Success Plan to take you from your starting line to the next level and beyond. 

Want a custom marketing plan?

Empower yourself to push past the roadblocks.

Are you a small business owner struggling to navigate an overwhelming marketing landscape, worrying about revenue, or trying to land more opportunities?

Our Success Plan is designed to be the compass that guides your business in the right direction. You will receive a solid marketing strategy for generating more revenue, a knowledgeable partner to execute it, and free up your time so you can focus on different things.

Rooted Design Digital Marketing Plan Image showing all assets of digital marketing

A successful digital marketing plan means looking at your whole digital presence, ensuring all elements are working together, supporting each other to grow your business.

(We promise we won’t sell you on something we know won’t help your business!)

Spend a lot of time trying to figure out your marketing?

Every small business wants to generate leads, close new deals and grow but what happens to those that don't have a strategy in place to get those goals? They fail.

If you are like those small businesses trying to grow without a plan, you might experience:

Don't assume that what your competition is doing will also work for you. Think of your competitors' success as an iceberg. You only see the tip that is above water but have no idea what's happening below the service.

When you invest in your marketing, you will allow yourself to dive beneath the surface and define exactly what will work for your small business.

We understand how you feel.

Your small business’ growth might have plateaued or you are stuck knowing you need to do something but aren’t really sure what that something is. 

You might have tried a number of different tactics you’ve read about online and maybe some of them brought a little success but then fizzled out, while others were simply a waste of time and money. Which leaves you feeling confused and wondering why marketing is so daunting.

Our team has worked with multiple businesses empowering them to clarify their marketing and receive a solid strategy.

When you work with us, we will:

Ready to get results?

Grow Your Authority

Customer Journey

The first step in building a solid foundation for your small business is to discover who your ideal customer is and how to reach them. At the end of this workshop, you will have a solid plan in place for growth.

Build Trust

Small business owners that are dedicated to creating assets not only communicate a much higher value in their market, but also achieve growth at a much quicker pace than those who don't.

Expand Your Reach

Position yourself as the expert in your field and customers will be quick to refer you. Step into high gear with a system designed to turn visitors into customers on autopilot, even while you sleep!

Rooted Design Mutual Agreement Image

A mutual agreement

Working with Rooted Design is a two way street. You will need to be just as dedicated to your own success as we will be in order for this partnership to work. 

We ask that you trust what we say as we’ve been doing this for a long time. We ask that you are open to the changes we recommend, as we won’t recommend things that don’t make sense financially for you to achieve your goals. 

You will need to be ready to get in the trenches as there will sometimes be questions and feedback required. In exchange, we promise you will know exactly what you are getting with us, a partner who will help you cross the finish line.